Omid Nejadseyfi
16 records found
How Do Exoskeletons Change Shoulder Biomechanics?
A New Design Tool for “Human-In-the-Loop” Optimization of Shoulder Exoskeletons
Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing of Copper
Optimizing the print and post-process parameters to achieve high density copper parts
Hydrofoil crafts with fully submerged foils can provide fast and economical waterway transport. However, their operation requires reliable onboard control systems to ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers, especially in rough sea conditions. This t ...
In this work, metamodel-based robust optimization is performed using measured scatter of noise variables. Principal component analysis is used to describe the input noise using linearly uncorrelated principal components. Some of these principal components follow a normal proba ...
From specified product tolerance to acceptable material and process scatter
An inverse robust optimization approach
A robustness criterion that employs skewness of output is presented for a metamodel-based robust optimization. The propagation of a normally distributed noise variable via nonlinear functions leads to a non-normal output distribution. To consider the non-normality of the outpu ...
Optimization under uncertainty requires proper handling of those input parameters that contain scatter. Scatter in input parameters propagates through the process and causes scatter in the output. Stochastic methods (e.g. Monte Carlo) are very popular for assessing uncertainty ...
How Do Exoskeletons Change Shoulder Biomechanics?
A New Design Tool for “Human-In-the-Loop” Optimization of Shoulder Exoskeletons
How Do Exoskeletons Change Shoulder Biomechanics?
A New Design Tool for “Human-In-the-Loop” Optimization of Shoulder Exoskeletons
Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing of Copper
Optimizing the print and post-process parameters to achieve high density copper parts
Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing of Copper
Optimizing the print and post-process parameters to achieve high density copper parts
Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing of Copper
Optimizing the print and post-process parameters to achieve high density copper parts
Hydrofoil crafts with fully submerged foils can provide fast and economical waterway transport. However, their operation requires reliable onboard control systems to ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers, especially in rough sea conditions. This t ...