Using an idealized width-averaged model, the influence of spring-neap cycles on the transport and trapping of suspended fine sediment in tide-dominated estuaries is investigated. To this end we introduce a multiple time scale expansion. This provides a mathematically sound argume
Using an idealized width-averaged model, the influence of spring-neap cycles on the transport and trapping of suspended fine sediment in tide-dominated estuaries is investigated. To this end we introduce a multiple time scale expansion. This provides a mathematically sound argument for treating the fast ebb-flood cycle and the slow spring-neap variations as independent time scales. With this expansion, semi-analytical approximations of the water motion and suspended sediment concentrations can be found as functions of the spring-neap time scale. The advantage of this is that the transport of sediment is then investigated in a tidally-averaged sense using analytically obtained temporal dependencies and model simulations based on the conditions in 2005 of the Ems-Dollard estuary. We found that sediment import is strongly enhanced during spring tide and that a combination of vanishing import processes and sediment export due to river discharge resulted in a net export of sediment during neap tide. Furthermore the spring-neap varying deposition of fine sediment in a bottom pool on the river bed is investigated. We found that the time needed for the system to adjust to new equilibrium conditions can not be neglected within a spring-neap cycle as temporal lag effects are clearly visible in the dynamic behaviour of the bottom pool and suspended sediment concentrations. These temporal lag effects are sensitive to the choice of the parameter governing erosion. Assuming different values of the erosion parameter we have shown that the long-term characteristics of the bottom pool are sensitive to these temporal lag effects. Choosing a low value of the erosion parameter results in the presence of a bottom pool throughout the spring-neap cycle. With a high value of the erosion no bottom pool is formed at any time in the spring-neap cycle.