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M.G.H. Wesseling

65 records found

Background: Osteoarthritis is a highly prevalent disease affecting the hip and knee joint and is characterized by load-mediated pain and decreased quality of life. Dependent on involved joint, patients present antalgic movement compensations, aiming to decrease loading on the inv ...
Osteoarthritis (OA) has a complex, heterogeneous and only partly understood etiology. There is a definite role of joint cartilage pathomechanics in originating and progressing of the disease. Although it is still not identified precisely enough to design or select targeted treatm ...
Current fixation plates used to operatively stabilize clavicular fractures are suboptimal, leading to reoperation rates up to 53%. Plate irritation, which can be caused by a poor geometric fit and plate thickness, has been found to be an important factor for reoperation. Moreover ...
Mechanical performance of clavicle fracture fixation plates is often evaluated using finite element (FE) analysis. Typically, these studies use simplified loading conditions and assume a transversal fracture orientation. However, the loading conditions and fracture orientation in ...

Generic scaled versus subject-specific models for the calculation of musculoskeletal loading in cerebral palsy gait

Effect of personalized musculoskeletal geometry outweighs the effect of personalized neural control

Background: Musculoskeletal modelling is used to assess musculoskeletal loading during gait. Linear scaling methods are used to personalize generic models to each participant's anthropometry. This approach introduces simplifications, especially when used in paediatric and/or path ...
Objective: This study proposes a computationally efficient method to quantify the effect of surgical inaccuracies on ligament strain in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). More specifically, this study describes a framework to determine the implant position and required surgical accur ...
Orthognathic surgery is performed to realign the jaws of a patient through several osteotomies. The state-of-the-art bone plates used to maintain the bone fragments in place are made of titanium. The presence of these non-degradable plates can have unwanted side effects on the lo ...
Custom reverse shoulder implants represent a valuable solution for patients with large bone defects. Since each implant has unique patient-specific features, finite element (FE) analysis has the potential to guide the design process by virtually comparing the stability of multipl ...
Background: Many patients with cerebral palsy present a pathologic gait pattern, which presumably induces aberrant musculoskeletal loading that interferes with natural bone growth, causing bone deformations on the long term. Botulinum toxin interventions and single-event multilev ...
Multi-scale simulations, combining muscle and joint contact force (JCF) from musculoskeletal simulations with adaptive mechanobiological finite element analysis, allow to estimate musculoskeletal loading and predict femoral growth in children. Generic linearly scaled musculoskele ...
Background The unipodal stance task is a clinical task that quantifies postural stability and alignment of the lower limb joints, while weight bearing on one leg. As persons with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) have poor postural and knee joint stability, objective assessment of this t ...
Background: Apart from biomechanical alterations in movement patterns, it is known that movement limitations in persons with knee osteoarthritis (PwKOA) are related to an individual's perception and belief regarding pain and disability. To gain more insights into the functional m ...
Reduced external knee adduction moments in the second half of stance after total hip replacement have been reported in hip osteoarthritis patients. This reduction is thought to shift the load from the medial to the lateral knee compartment and as such increase the risk for knee o ...
It is well founded that the mechanical environment may regulate bone regeneration in orthopedic applications. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical contributions of the scaffold and the host to bone regeneration, in terms of subject specificity, implantation ...
Background:The purpose of this study was to compare muscle forces and hip contact forces (HCFs) during squatting in patients with cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (cam-FAI) before and after hip corrective surgery and with healthy control participants.Methods:Ten symptomatic ...
Background: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) present altered gait patterns and electromyography (EMG) activity compared to typically developing children. To temporarily reduce muscular activity and to correct the abnormal muscle force balance, Botulinum Toxin type A (BTX-A) inje ...
Background:Children with cerebral palsy (CP) present with a pathological gait pattern due to musculoskeletal impairments, such as muscle weakness and altered bony geometry. However, the effect of these impairments on gait performance is still unknown. Research aim:This study aime ...
Physics-based simulations of walking have the theoretical potential to support clinical decision-making by predicting the functional outcome of treatments in terms of walking performance. Yet before using such simulations in clinical practice, their ability to identify the main t ...