15 records found


The potential impact of a grand unified theory of the brain on the robotics community might be immense, as it might hold the key to the general artificial intelligence. Such a theory might make revolutionary leaps in robot intelligence by improving the quality of our lives. The l ...
The free energy principle (FEP) from neuroscience provides a framework called active inference for the joint estimation and control of state space systems, subjected to colored noise. However, the active inference community has been challenged with the critical task of manually t ...
Computational models of visual attention in artificial intelligence and robotics have been inspired by the concept of a saliency map. These models account for the mutual information between the (current) visual information and its estimated causes. However, they fail to consider ...

The free energy principle from neuroscience provides a brain-inspired perception scheme through a data-driven model learning algorithm called Dynamic Expectation Maximization (DEM). This paper aims at introducing an exper-imental design to provide the first experimental confir ...

The free energy principle from neuroscience provides an efficient data-driven framework called the Dynamic Expectation Maximization (DEM), to learn the generative model in the environment. DEM’s growing potential to be the brain-inspired learning algorithm for robots demands a ...

The free energy principle from neuroscience has recently gained traction as one of the most prominent brain theories that can emulate the brain’s perception and action in a bio-inspired manner. This renders the theory with the potential to hold the key for general artificial inte ...

The free energy principle from neuroscience provides a biologically plausible solution to the brain's inference mechanism. This paper reformulates this theory to design a brain-inspired state and input estimator for a linear time-invariant state space system with colored noise ...


The Free Energy Principle, which underlies Active Inference (AI), is a way to explain human perception and behaviour. Previous literature has hinted at a relation between AI and Linear-Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control, the latter being a textbook controller. AI and LQG are, howev ...
Active inference is a neuroscientific theory, which states that all living systems (e.g. the human brain) minimize a quantity termed the free energy. By minimizing this free energy, living systems keep an accurate representation of the world in their internal model (learning), ar ...
The free energy principle is a recent theory that originates from the neuroscience. It provides a unified framework that combines action perception and learning in the human brain. This research aims to implement the perception aspect of the free energy principle into robotics. T ...

System Identification using Dynamic Expectation Maximization

From neuroscientific principle towards filtering and identification under the presence of correlated noise

A fundamental task of intelligent and autonomous robots is to infer from observations the state of the world. This inference is generally achieved by employing a filter, which consists of a model and filtering law. Learning this model and filtering law from observations is anothe ...
Recent developments in neuroscience research, mainly introduced by neuroscientist Karl J. Friston, have resulted in a concept called the Free Energy Principle (FEP). The FEP is a brain theory unifying action, perception and learning. An important observation is that autonomous ro ...
Active inference is a process theory arising from neuroscience which casts perception, action, planning and learning under one optimisation criterion: minimisation of free energy. Current literature on the implementation of discrete state-space active inference focuses on scalabi ...

The Noisy Jackal

Measurement and analysis of the coloured noise on the longitudinal, lateral and rotational velocities and identifcation of its characteristics due to the unmodeled dynamics of a skid steer mobile robot during a steady-state turning manoeuvre

This research focuses on proving the presence of coloured noise on the longitudinal, lateral and rotational velocity in steady-state cornering of a skid steer mobile robot. Furthermore, it also focuses on the creation of a Gaussian filter which is able to recreate the characteris ...
The trajectory tracking efficiency of a quadrotor Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) position controller is decreased by discrete jumps in the pose estimate provided by a localization algorithm. This paper presents a solution to this problem by first introducing a new quadrotor MAV posit ...