Healthy Hillesluis: Designing interventions for a healthier food environment in a low SES neighbourhood

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The current food system stimulates unhealthy food choices and is a major contributor to environmental pressures. To improve this situation, an integrated approach is necessary, where we take into account the different actors in the food environment and how each of these can contribute to a more healthy and sustainable society. Although change needs to happen on a world-wide scale, this project contributes by case studying a small piece of it: Hillesluis, a low SES neighbourhood in Rotterdam.

Rotterdam is one of the most unhealthy cities in the Netherlands, and low socioeconomic status (SES) neighbourhoods have the highest priority for change as these low-income groups are more often exposed to and vulnerable to the conditions that are associated with poorer dietary outcomes. With more than 55% of the adults, and more than one in three kids being overweight, we can also see this trend in Hillesluis.

The poor dietary intake of low-income groups can be presented as an outcome of a complex adaptive system that sustains a food environment that increases accessibility, availability, affordability and acceptability of unhealthy foods. In order to reshape system dynamics, simultaneous, diverse and innovative strategies are needed to facilitate improvement of availability, affordability, accessibility and acceptability of healthier food (Sawyer et al., 2021).

To determine a suitable strategy, I studied the local food system in Hillesluis and discovered opportunities and barriers for progress. I did this through literature as well as field research. In the field, I met residents, food retailers and other stakeholders who were eager to contribute to a healthier neighbourhood. The design goal I derived from analysing the gained insights is as follows: “Design an experience that introduces families in Hillesluis to healthier cooking”.

To pursue this design goal, I designed a combination of two interventions that together contribute to a healthier food environment in Hillesluis. The core of the concept is ‘De Familiekeuken’, a workshop series where parents and their children learn to cook healthier meals in a social setting, guided by a specialised chef. The goal is that acquired knowledge and skills are eventually implemented in their daily life and their cooking activities at home, so that a healthier diet is established. Besides the workshops, I also propose to increase the amount of physical stimuli of healthy food in the neighbourhood. Through the application of street art, people passing by can get inspired to open up the conversation about healthy food or to make a healthier choice today. Together, these interventions touch upon the different layers of the food environment and in that way increase the availability, accessibility, affordability and acceptability of healthy food.

A first validation of the concept confirmed a positive intention towards implementation on the stakeholders’ side as well as enthusiasm for participation on the residents’ side. It is expected that this project and implementation of the concept will inspire actions towards a healthier food environment in Hillesluis. With the gained insights and solution I hope to inspire action in other low SES neighbourhoods as well.