Een eerste haalbaarheidsstudie naar grootschalige implementatie van waterkrachtcentrales in de toekomstige Maas-stuwen

Een casestudie naar de vervangingsopgave van de stuw bij Grave

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With the growing demand for expanding sustainable energy production in the Netherlands, investigating potential renewable energy sources has become imperative. Scheduled replacement projects for weirs along the river Meuse within the next decade present an excellent opportunity to assess the feasibility of integrating hydropower plants into these future weirs. This thesis explores the feasibility of implementing hydropower plants in future weirs along the river Meuse, addressing criteria such as hydraulic aspects, impact on vessel navigation, fish migration, and economic viability.

To achieve this objective, an initial case study was conducted, focusing on the development of a design for the weir replacement at Grave. Subsequently, the broader applicability of the developed design was explored to investigate large-scale implementation in the river Meuse. At the outset of this study, no specific design existed for the future weir at Grave. Therefore, the initial research phase concentrated on creating a future weir design for the Grave location. Following this, the optimal method for integrating a hydropower plant into this future weir was explored, employing the basic engineering design cycle as applied in civil engineering. The Archimedean screw turbine technology was selected, leading to the development of multiple hydropower plant designs using this technology. Initially, their direct integration into the weir was explored. However, it was determined that placing more than two of these turbines directly within the weir was hydraulically unfeasible, posing risks to water safety. To overcome this challenge, three potential implementation concepts were developed: temporary removable turbines, a hydropower plant in the floodplain, and turbine integration into weir pillars.

The optimal design for integrating a hydropower plant into the future weir complex at Grave was determined through a Multicriteria Analyses and the calculation of the internal rate of return for the various design variants. An essential finding is that economic feasibility depends on factors such as electricity prices and subsidies. The research suggests promising potential for hydropower implementation but underscores the need for further investigation. The design appears widely applicable to future weir projects along the river Meuse, which could potentially provide sustainable energy to approximately 32,000 households. Nevertheless, complexities necessitate additional research. It is crucial to emphasize that this thesis serves as an exploration rather than a definitive assessment of hydropower plant implementation in future river Meuse weirs. The study concludes by offering recommendations for further research.