Engineering property comparisons of PM alloy X7091-T7E69 and IM alloy forgings
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The engineering properties of PM alloy X7091-T7E69 forgings were compared with those of forgings of the IM alloys 7075-T73, 7175-T736, 7050-T736 and 7010-T736. The properties considered were: strength, fracture toughness, fatigue crack propagation under constant amplitude and flight simulation loading, stress corrosion crack initiation and propagation resistance, and exfoliation corrosion. The most important findings were: - A substantially better combination of strength and resistance to stress corrosion and exfoliation corrosion for the PM alloy as compared to the IM alloys. - A fracture toughness of the PM alloy lower than (LT orientation) or similar to (TL orientation) that of the IM alloys. - A dramatically low spectrum fatigue crack propagation life for the PM alloy. - Only minor differences between the IM alloys.
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