Towards a New Prison

Facilitating the cyber crime threat

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Digitalization and automation brings many amazing things; games, social media, navigation. However, it also makes us more vulnerable. The facelessness of cyber space and the emancipation of place makes it hard to grasp. Additionally, our personal data becomes more valuable and thereby more lucrative to criminalize. The combination of these factors make for an increasing criminalization of data. There are already several facilities to track and judge international and cyber criminals, however there is no specialized facility for punishing the perpetrators of the cyber realm. That lead me to the question: what role can Schiphol (and it’s no-man’s land) play in facilitating the increasing threat of cybercrime in the future? Schiphol’s no man’s land, and the emphasize we put on it in our group strategy, creates the perfect conditions for a cybercrime (a no-man’s land crime) prison. Architecturally the typology of the traditional prison and the principle of punishment and translated it into the appropriate measures for a cyber prison. Dealing with security, surveillance, privacy, punishment and rehabilitation.