Post-occupancy evaluation of a new office concept in an educational setting

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At the end of 2006, Avans Hogeschool (a Dutch Institute of Higher Education) moved a number of previously dispersed departments to a new building. This move was taken as an opportunity to introduce new workplace strategies with desk-sharing and desk-rotating in a transparent setting. This paper presents the results of a postoccupancy evaluation of the new development. Staff was found to be satisfied with the modern architecture, the advanced IT facilities and the openness of the building that supports communication and social interaction. However, many complained of a lack of privacy, conditions that hampered concentration on one’s work and insufficient facilitation of the interaction between teachers and students. Seven years ago, Delft University of
Technology introduced an innovative office concept in one of its faculty buildings. Evaluation of user satisfaction showed that desk sharing was generally regarded as one step too far at that time. But the improved openness, the extra space for display of research work and increased opportunities for students to work in the research area were highly appreciated. In this paper the Avans results are discussed and compared with the findings of the case study at Delft University of Technology.