Boron-based large-scale observation of soil moisture: First laboratory results of a cost-efficient neutron detector
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A newly developed Boron-based Large-scale Observation of Soil Moisture (or BLOSM) system is currently being tested and implemented. The stationary system provides a cost-effective way to measure fast and thermalized neutrons by using low-cost, non–hazardous and accessible materials and equipment. BLOSM operates by measuring cosmic-ray induced neutrons and by comparing the amount of fast neutrons with the amount of thermal neutrons. Fast neutrons are moderated by hydrogen atoms in the air, organic materials, and especially and primarily by water in the soil, causing the ratio between fast and thermal to be a strong indicator of soil moisture content. The fast/thermal ratio is representative for soil moisture a scale of about 30 hectares, while standard soil moisture measurements are representative for less than a square meter. This is a well-established fact but present neutron detectors are very costly. Thanks to the low-cost of the probe, BLOSM can eventually be applied at a large scale and significantly increase the number of soil–water data points thereby enabling improvement of existing hydrology models as well as new applications such as monitoring fire hazards and agricultural droughts. Here, we present the build and first tests in the laboratory. We show that BLOSM can indeed measure fast and thermal neutrons, which opens the way to applications outside the laboratory.