An Architecture of Suspension

Suspending time and Place in Bucharest, Romania

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The predominant approach in dealing with spaces suspended often involves negative connotations that view these spaces as spaces that ought to be destroyed or avoided without considering the potential positive aspects that lend to the site uniqueness and novelty.

This involves the approach towards designing in a condition of lazier-fare relationships and spaces of negotiations, and the potentials it brings in considering the application it brings in allowing the re-reading and re-composition of the city. Allowing for a differing design approach that will take advantage of the Architecture of Suspension.

The research of the effects of the Architecture of Suspension and an attempt to
conceptualize alternative re-readings and re-mappings of the Moralilor, Bucharest, Romania through the different but encompassing notions of the
Architecture of Suspension. Through the manifestations of these mappings and re-readings, an attempt at the establishment of a language or idea which informs architectural designs in both the design process and aesthetic choices (without the reduction of the architecture into mere copying of trendy visual precedents)

The earlier research establishes that the design as having the following possible characteristics, as event, as temporal, as fragment, as complex, as irregular, as existing outside locality, registering time and place beyond and before and as possessing a multiplicity of reading.