Blended acquisition with temporally signatured/modulated and spatially dispersed source array

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We introduce a blended-acquisition method: temporally signatured and/or modulated and spatially dispersed source array, namely S-/M-DSA. The former S-DSA has much less constraints in the encoding with operational flexibility, allowing non-uniform sampling and non-patterned shooting both in the space and time dimension. The latter M-DSA allows indeed straightforward deblending by filtering and physically separating frequency channels in the frequency domain. We evaluated the deblending performance for several scenarios of blended acquisition. The results showed that: S-DSA attains the best acquisition productivity; M-DSA attains the best deblending performance, compared to other methods. Our S-/M-DSA method makes the blended-acquisition encoding and operations significantly simple and robust; the same is true for the deblending processing.