Sustainable housing policies for the existing housing stock in Europe

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What is the environmental potential of the existing housing stock in the EU and the accession countries? How prepared are the countries to face the challenge of the existing housing stock? This article describes policies and policy instruments currently used to encourage sustainable renovation in Europe based on the national progress reports of the 3rd European Ministers conference on sustainable housing in Belgium in 2002. The research shows that policies and policy instruments focus on new construction. Sustainable renovation is encouraged, but not enforced: legislation applies to new construction and fiscal measures do not address environmental objectives in particular. An examination of policies since 1996 shows that, apart from the initiatives resulting from the Kyoto Protocol, the lack of a strong driving force has kept policy developments moderate. This article argues that current policies and policy instruments are not effective enough to take advantage of the environmental potential of the existing stock either in the EU or accession countries. Different strategies for the forefront, platoon and laggard countries are suggested.