Innovation Factory

The Cultural Belt in the Head of the Cape, Hembrug

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The Heritage studio methodical line of inquiry revolves around 3 aspects, the cultural value, the architecture and the building technology. The scientific relevance of my thesis project is reflected in the design, as the entire research process was closely related to the three themes. I started off my thesis with the research question of the character of my site, i.e. the Head of the Cape. Along this line of inquiry, I evaluated the existing buildings around my site by their typology, structure, spatial quality and also materiality. I realized from the results that they are the crucial components to cultivate the industrial atmosphere, the greatest cultural value of my site. To translate the findings into an architectural design that inherits the industrial character, I took the building typology as a design starting point. The former ammunition factory is made of four consecutive and identical 70-meters long curved shell tubes, a profile of repeated components which is typical for the factories built in 1950s. A new tube with the same curved profile is added and attached to the factory on its southern side. The idea for the transformation is to create a gradual change in spatial experience throughout the building, from solid to transparent, from closed to open, from dark to bright, from indoor to outdoor, from rough surfaces to fine finishes. In order to distinguish the new intervention and the existing building, the new tube is made of transparent material, creating a contrast to the existing brick facades. A new time layer is added with respect to the old ones. The third aspect of the studio is building technology. The new intervention is more than a repetition of the existing shape; it is also a statement of being innovative. As the ambition of my project is to inspire innovation, I was convinced to integrate innovative solutions that can make the building more climatically sustainable, yet at the same time still retain its qualities. It aligns with the central theme of the heritage studio, the exploration on how to give an old building a new life. The new tube can be opened and closed to regulate temperature in different seasons. In summer time, the glass box is open to allow breeze into the building and thus enhance natural ventilation. In winter time, the glass tube will be closed completely and create a sun space to mitigate the cold weather.