Influence of very oblique waves on wave overtopping

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The main goal of this study is to determine the relation between very oblique wave attack and overtopping, and to accordingly adjust the formulae for oblique wave attack. The required knowledge to be able to read and understand this report is of a Bachelor in civil engineering level. All around the world different types of structures are built to protect adjacent areas from river or coastal flooding during high water levels. Only limited research is available on the influence of oblique wave attack (for angles over 45 degrees) on wave overtopping. Hydralab is an EU-project, which gives researchers in the European Union the possibility to carry out research in large hydraulic facilities. Cornerdike is a part of the Hydralab IV program. The Cornerdike research project was performed at the shallow-water basin at DHI in Hørsholm, Denmark. To achieve the goal of this research, tests, data processing and analysis were done.