Innovative solar cell technologies in the land of the rising sun

The promoting and limiting factors for PV development and diffusion in Japan and what we can learn for the Dutch case

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Japan is a frontrunner in the development and implementation of renewable energy technologies. One of the areas where Japan is highly proficient is in the field of PV (photo-voltaic) technologies, where Japan is currently the global leader in solar cell shipment and total installed capacity. The Netherlands can learn from the way in which the Japanese organize the Innovation Systems of these technologies, to speed up its own R&D and implementation processes. This research will therefore investigate how the Innovation Systems of PV technologies are organized in Japan, and which factors influence their success. It is performed at the office of Science and Technology of the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo, Japan. The goal of the research is to give recommendations to the Netherlands energy sector how it can speed up the creation and diffusion of PV technologies.