Electronic markers for geological research

Tag Design

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In this thesis, the implementation of a passive, chipless, frequency coded Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag for bedload transport studies is proposed. The proposed tag will be deployed in the semi-arid Río Colorado river, Bolivia with the aim to develop quantitative sediment transport models that relate transport to grain size. The designed tag is an open-loop resonator with a fragment-loading structure, that has an op- timised configuration based on a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition combined with Enhanced Genetic Operators (MOEA/D-GO). The designed RFID tag can ideally reach a size of 4 by 4 millimetres with a maximum calculated reading range of 1.3 meters, and operates in the ultra wide band from 3 to 7 gigahertz. Numerous simulations on the tags were run to verify their properties. The tags proved to have a good directivity, quality factor and radio cross section on its resonant frequency. The tags could reach resonance frequencies as low as 2.9 gigahertz and quality factors as high as 130. The proof of concept on a Printed Circuit Board with an FR-4 substrate results in a tag of 6.4 by 3.4 millimetres. Unfortunately, these properties could not yet be verified by measuremen