Technical potential of on-site wind powered hydrogen producing refuelling stations in the Netherlands

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This study assesses the technical potential of wind turbines to be installed next to existing fuelling stations in order to produce hydrogen. Hydrogen will be used for Fuel Cell Vehicle refuelling and feed-in existing local gas grids. The suitable fuelling stations are selected through a GIS assessment applying buffer zones and taking into account risks associated with wind turbine installation next to built-up areas, critical infrastructures and ecological networks. It was found that 4.6% of existing fuelling stations are suitable. Further, a hydrogen production potential assessment was made using weather station datasets, land cover data and was expressed as potential future Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle demand coverage. It was found that for a 30% FCEV drivetrain scenario, these stations can produce 2.3% of this demand. Finally, a case study was made for the proximity of those stations in existing gas distribution grids.