Floating Solar

A Hydroelastic Method

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With the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal, countries need to reduce their carbon footprint and increase their renewable energy production. For countries with high population density, land-based photovoltaics (solar) takes up valuable space. Therefore, solar application at sea is considered.

One of the proposed designs is by the Joint Industry Project (JIP) Solar@Sea II. The JIP structure is flexible, inflatable, and considerably smaller than Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS). The goal is to mitigate the installation and transportation disadvantages associated with VLFS. Combining multiple of these singular structures in an array allows for the same operational solar footprint as would be the case for a single VLFS.

To keep the structure at the intended location, a mooring system needs to be designed. For the mooring line analysis, the motions of the attachment points of the mooring lines to the floating structure must be deter-mined. These motions are dependent on the interaction between the fluid, structure, and mooring line system. The development of a numerical method that is able to determine the flexible motions of the structure is required. This method should be suitable for the initial design stages of the structure and mooring system.

A numerical method for the deep-water regime in frequency domain was developed. The structural deformations are determined by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM) in ANSYS. The fluid interactions with the structure are determined by means of a lower order Boundary Element Method (BEM). The combined effect of both structural motions and fluid behavior is captured in an equation of motion. The motions of the flexible structure can then be determined by solving the equation of motion. The method is written in Python and the interaction with ANSYS is achieved by means of an ANSYS APDL interface.

The numerical method was successfully verified by comparison of results with analytical solutions. The nu-merical method is validated by comparing the numerical result with experimentally determined responses of a 1:1 scale JIP structure to incident regular deep-water waves as measured by MARIN. Suitable deep-water test cases were determined from the MARIN data. The undisturbed numerical wave was compared with the undisturbed deep wave measured by MARIN. Finally, three test cases were selected for the validation of the interaction of the structure and the wave. These consisted of a wave longer than the structure, a waveslightly shorter than the structure, and a significantly shorter wave than the structure.

The numerical method was able to accurately predict the structure motions for waves longer than the structure. For waves shorter than the structure, the error between the numerical method and the experimental data increased as the wavelength decreased. The errors found can likely be attributed to the nonlinear interaction of the ballast bags, which are not considered in the current numerical method. This cannot be confirmed based on the available experimental data.

The presented work is part of a larger intended method, which is not yet finished. Satisfactory results were found for the components considered in the verification. The validation provided points for improvement for the current numerical method. The response to waves longer than the structure can be determined accurately. The method is less accurate for waves shorter than the structure. The recommendation is therefore to research the effect of the ballast bags on the structure response in shorter waves. This could result in a better approximation for structural responses in shorter waves.