Application sharing services design and performance

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Digital information is becoming increasingly integrated in our daily life. We can communicate with each other via e-mail and exchange documents, photographs and video fragments and use webcams during a telephone call ("nice for the kids"). Digital information is used in education to communicate with other students and teachers and it is used for commercial purposes and for public services: delivering information direct to citizens at home without visiting an office at any time a citizen wishes to obtain such information. This readily available digital information is causing new problems. Problems occur, for instance, because specific information can not be found on a website or on a digital form. Problems may also occur when filling in a digital form. Moreover, technical problems can occur, such as computer or program crashes, problems with the server or with printing the information needed. A new technology service concept called Audio Supported Application Sharing (ASAS) services can be used to solve these problems at a distance. When using ASAS technology the present forms of support and training face-to-face or via the telephone, are replaced by a new service to help clients. This service combines audio support, i.e. telephonic support, with application sharing, i.e. distance access to another's computer screen.