Subsea Communication System using Quasi-Static Electric Fields

Hardware Design

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As electromagnetic waves cannot propagate sufficiently far in water, underwater communication is mainly performed using either acoustics or optics. However, none of these technologies have been proven to be completely effective in every situation. Therefore, research in new underwater communication systems can still bring large benefits to a wide range of different underwater technologies.
During this project, a promising new type of underwater communication system based on electric fields has been investigated. While two subgroups have been working on the characterization of the communication channel and different modulation techniques, this thesis focuses on the hardware needed for optimal communication. Moreover, this hardware includes both a low-noise receiver and a high power transmitter. An analysis of different design options, the detailed design of one of these options and the validation of the design are given in this report. However, to get a complete overview of the designed communication system and its performance, it is recommended to also read the other two thesis reports.


BSc_Thesis_Floris_en_Teije_one... (.pdf)

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