Mobility as a Service from an equity perspective

Exploratory research into the potential deepening or diminishing effects of MaaS on transport related social exclusion

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In 2014 Hietanen envisioned Mobility as a Service (MaaS), which is a global hype ever since. The relatively new mobility concept, MaaS, is suggested to meet the mobility needs of the end-users in a sustainable, affordable and user’s flexible manner (MaaS Alliance, 2019). Even though the MaaS sympathizers claim an improvement for the travelers regarding the mobility services, the need for a device will increase the digitalization of the transport sector. Pangbourne et al. (2018) pointed out that the digitalization could lead to transport related social exclusion. An exploratory research approach was used to explore the effects of the introduction of MaaS on transport related social exclusion. The research provided better insight in the potential effects of MaaS on transport related social exclusion and proposed policy ideas on the basis of an extensive literature review and in-depth semi-structured interviews. Only about one impact – digitalization – there was agreement between the reviewed literature and conducted interviews regardless the differences in underlying assumptions. On top of that, it is believed by the author that the digitalization of the transport system is inevitable. Even though MaaS might not be implemented to the fullest extent, the further digitalization of the transport sector will pose certain barriers for a significant part of the population. Therefore, it is of great importance to start the debate about the social and moral impacts of the introduction of a new mobility concept in order to prevent an increase of social inequity in the transport sector.