Supporting Space Traffic Management

A Road to Collision Avoidance Manoeuvring for Constellations

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With the increase of satellite constellations in orbit, the need for a Space Traffic Management (STM) is becoming undeniable. Within the scope of STM, an impartial and optimized collision avoidance advice based on the perspective of two manoeuvrable satellites could encourage more active collision avoidance and pre- vent on-orbit collisions. Using CDM data and operator input for the setup of the optimization, it was shown that in-track manoeuvres performed by either one or both of the satellites have a minimum usage of ∆V in combination with a small displacement and meet the collision probability threshold. Additionally, it was shown that the use of weights in the optimization cost function can influence the manoeuvre magnitude and the respective satellite that needs to perform the manoeuvre. Combining this optimization with a linearized propagation of the satellite states, a quick recommendation can be generated on the manoeuvre options for both satellites, which could help the development of an STM in terms of an impartial collision avoidance manoeuvre advice system.