Preloading of a lumpy clay fill

A study into the closure of the interlump voids of a mechanically dredged stiff clay fill

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Mechanical dredging of a stiff clay results in clay lumps. Those clay lumps can be reused for the construction of land reclamation projects, and hereby economic and environmental value is generated. Placement of the clay lumps
in water result in a matrix of clay lumps and an interlump void space. The collapse of the interlump void space will cause large settlements and needs to be overcome before the site can be used for construction. Preloading is
an effective method to close the interlump voids. Stiff clays soften over time due to unloading and swelling. As a result, the strength and stiffness of the clay lumps decrease over time. The presence of discontinuities accelerates
the softening process. It was proposed by Leung et al. (2001) that the interlump void space closes under a reduced
preload of 25 kPa. The interlump void space closes under a reduced preload because the lumps soften over time.
The question rises if closure occurs within a normal construction timespan, i.e., 1 - 2 years, under this reduced
preload. In this study, a combined experimental and numerical approach is applied to determine the influence of soil
characteristics, softening and the presence of discontinuities on interlump void closure. The influence of softening due to chemical and hydro-mechanical swelling is tested by experimental swell-load tests on stiff overconsolidated
Boom clay samples. Additionally, the presence of discontinuities is studied by CT images, and a miniature clay fill test is performed to study the softening time and the rearrangement effect. Furthermore, a numerical study is performed in which the influence of specific soil characteristics on void closure was researched by a sensitivity analysis. By the experimental tests, it is shown that a pore water chemistry change alters the degree of swelling and its compressibility. Furthermore, fissures were identified in the sample material by CT images. The smallest microfissures could not be identified due to the resolution of the images. Consequently, it is impossible to estimate the effect of fissures on the hydraulic conductivity. Therefore, literature data was used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity and this was used as the input in the calculations. In the numerical study, it was shown that MPM could model the softening behaviour over time. The sensitivity analysis showed that the MPM model responds consistently to parameter sensitivity analyses. This leads to the conclusion that MPM can be used as a investigation tool to increase
the understanding of the influence of parameter variability on the final interlump void closure problem. The resulting strains of the numerical model comply with the theoretically calculated strains. It was expected
that the numerical strains were smaller than the experimentally determined strains, due to the presence of interlump voids in the numerical model. But, the numerical strains are larger than the experimental strains. In the sensitivity
analysis, it was found that the final strains and closure time are highly dependant on the soil characteristics. It is likely that the input of the MPM model differs compared to the true sample material and thus different strains result.
The time until the interlump void space closes was determined by a simplified geometry in MPM under a preload of 25 kPa. For an unfissured Boom clay, interlump closure takes place after approximately 16 years while for a
fissured Boom clay it only takes 2 months. Thus, closure of the highly simplified geometry takes place within a normal construction timespan for a fissured Boom clay. It must be kept in mind that the results are highly dependant
on the geometry, lump size and soil characteristics. Therefore, these results can not be generalized into an estimate of the interlump void closure time for any stiff lumpy clay fill. In conclusion, the feasibility of MPM was explored and it turned out to be a promising method to model the interlump void closure problem. Further studies are required to check if the model gives plausible results for more advanced constitutive soil models and geometries. If the results are positive, MPM can be used as a investigation tool to increase the understanding of the interlump void closure time for more refined geometries.