Mechanism to detect mismatches and provide recommendations about the users' preference in negotiation support systems
A case study about issue weight mismatches with the pocket negotiator
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Negotiation Support Systems (NSSs) can provide help based on the preference setting (domain, issue weights, issue ranking, strategies, etc.) of the users of the systems. However, sometimes the users of the systems might make mistakes in the preference setting. With wrong preferences, the NSSs might provide suggestions that conflict with the users' desires. This thesis focuses on designing a mechanism that could detect the mismatches in issue weights of the users of NSSs and provide recommendations on updating the issue weights with a scoring method. This mechanism also has the ability to provide different recommendations based on the users' self-confidence level. A case study is done with six simulation experiments to test the mechanism. The results show that during the negotiation, the users of the NSS (PN) can have a chance to change the issue weights when mismatches occurred and the NSS (PN) can provide better suggestions after the issue weights are updated. The limitations of the mechanism are concluded at the end together with the future thoughts