Responsible Digital Hospitality Quality Measurement to Facilitate Reflective Communication

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In this study, a unique combination of concepts such as hospitality, digitalisation and responsible research and innovation is brought together in the Responsible Digital Hospitality Quality Scale. This conceptual tool is more than a website benchmark or customer satisfaction measurement tool. It measurably defines responsible digital hospitality in six key domains and twenty-three elements using a visual representation of individual element scores and thereby enables digital brand owners, designers and communication experts to constructive communication and self-reflection on a status of a digital brand. The aim of reflexivity and real time assessment are tested in a small focus group session with digital experts. Literature study and expert insights are combined in an iteration process of tool design in order to develop a valid tool in survey format. Additionally, a theoretical framework is developed that combines theories of electronic service quality, user experience, RRI and interactivity. This framework could possibly function as talkative tool alone, however is not further researched within this study. More extended research on figure representation and inclusion of fun elements could provide extra value to the RDH quality tool design in the future.