Widget Dashboard

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During the ten week project the implementation of a Widget Dashboard was made for the company Fenêtre. Fenêtre is a company that provides online solutions like web applications and consultancy. The dashboard displays different existing pages in the form of widgets which are freely movable and resizable by the user of the dashboard and give the user a high level of personalization. The Dashboard is made using the Gridstack framework. This framework provides the functionality to move and resize the widgets. The choice made on using this framework took place in a three week research phase at the start of the project, where multiple different dashboard frameworks and examples were investigated. Gridstack was chosen because it gave the most freedom in implementing the dashboard around the existing features. Other frameworks gave too much of a restriction on implementation. To make sure that an unauthorized user cannot view confidential content the existing authentication of Fenêtre is used to only load widgets that meet the rights of the user. During the development stage of the project, scrum was used to organise the project team. Using the scrum methodology made it easier to recognize the different tasks which needed to be done. However, since the product team consisted of 2 people scrum made things sometimes more tedious than it has to be. During the development phase of the project we have learned a lot about working in an company environment, the importance of a good planning and asking questions early to get a complete overview of what needs to be done during the project.


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