Selective transport between monovalent and divalent ions in electrodialysis

The effect of current density and ionic species concentration

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Industrial and municipal wastewaters often contain a high concentration of NH4+
To prevent excessive discharge into the environment, these wastewaters need to be treated. Electrodialysis has been shown to be a suitable technique for the removal and recovery of NH4+ from both synthetic and real wastewaters such as digestate rejection water and industrial condensate. These wastewaters can contain varying concentrations of Mg2+, Ca2+ and CO32-. Treating these waters with ED for NH4+ recovery also causes recovery of these divalent ions. The recovery of these ions can potentially cause scaling. Scaling is undesired and needs to be prevented. The main objective of this research was to analyse what the applied current density, Mg2+/NH4+ ratio and total ion concentration had on the the selective transport between NH4+ and Mg2+.