Voice-Interaction Design from a Brand Perspective

Creating a Personified Voice Identity for Rituals

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Voice-technology is, as the name entails, technology that enables the exchange of information through voice. As this technology is currently growing in adoption and usage of customers, the popularity at organizations and researchers is increasing noticeably as well. Normally new intelligence is associated with impressive high-end capabilities. However, this technology is still in its early stages of development because, although humans may be more capable of speech-interaction, the machine now needs to learn from its users. It is important to understand the principles rooted in human communication in order to understand user’s underlying expectations of conversational interfaces and to design for a desired user experience. Conversational interfaces are creating opportunities for new touchpoints between brands and its customers. It adds a new dimension to a customer’s experience and interaction with brands and their services. Brands need to decide how to behave as one of the partners in the collaboration driving this machine-driven conversation. On top of that, a new challenge is found in how to expose a unique identity without any visual and tangible elements to rely on. Alongside a case study for the lifestyle brand Rituals, a brand-driven strategy is proposed to design a voice-interaction service integrated with personified voice-identity. It is of great importance to form a unique and recognizable position within speech-technology corresponds to the existing brand in order to engage customers with a relatable personality. The Rituals case study is used to extrapolate general guidelines, set out in a design kit. It functions as a practical tool to guide organizations in the innovation process towards a voice-interaction service. This project has found a branded identity in the context of voice-technology, defined by an unique fusion of five components. The brand functions here as an overarching connecting factor.