Exploiting the benefits of a mobility hub to incentivize shared car usage

To what extent could a mobility hub play a role in the adoption of shared cars located at the mobility hub?

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Recent research studies have been focused on the adoption of shared cars and mobility hubs separately. Which is why there exists a knowledge gap regarding the influence of a mobility hub on the adoption of shared cars. This qualitative research study aims to fill the knowledge gap by answering the main research question: To what extent could a mobility hub play a role in the adoption of shared cars located at the mobility hub? Multiple angles had to be researched as unilateral answering the main research question was not possible. Therefore, a literature study provides insight in which aspects that are related to the use of a shared car could be influenced by a mobility hub (sub question 1). Next, expert interviews contribute to the knowledge regarding the mutual influences between mobility hubs and shared cars (sub question 2). Finally, a case study captures what stimulates residents to use a shared car at their nearby mobility hub (sub question 3).

In the extensive literature study 50 relevant articles were collected. The Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) that followed identified reoccurring themes. This resulted in subthemes that are related to: financial aspects; functional requirements; personal requirements; aspects of the journey; the attitude of potential users; psychological influences; challenging characteristics of potential users and aspects of a mobility hub. By analysing their influence, it became apparent that the identified themes (i.e. the independent variables) have a causal relationship with shared car usage (i.e. the dependent variable) and that certain aspects of a mobility hub (i.e. the moderator variable) could influence this relationship. These relationships have been presented in a conceptual model. Based on the influence of the identified subthemes, suggestions have been made for the guidelines that a mobility hub should fulfil in order to influence these relationships. By fulfilling the guidelines, a mobility hub can be developed in such a way that it considers the tangible and intangible aspects potential users value to attract more potential users to the hub and lower the barrier of using a shared car located at the mobility hub. Therefore, this qualitative research study showed that there are indeed factors of a mobility hub that can influence the adoption of shared cars located at the hub.