Architecture of Transitional Justice

The Cooperative as part of Post-Conflict Reconciliation in Colombia

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The recent Colombian Peace Agreement between the government of Juan Manuel
Santos and FARC-EP offers the opportunity to analyze the transitional justice
model, that aims to address the past violent events and the future of the victims.
The lack of involvement of architecture in the post-conflict dialogue on transitional justice, however, reveals the non-existent relationship and coordination between the agencies of architecture and realpolitik. To fill the gap, my research and project address the role of the agency of architecture in the Colombian post-conflict environment. It studies the development of transitional justice through its spatial manifestation, whose goal is to achieve peaceful coexistence between people and reconciliation with the violent past. The project focuses on Granada as a case study and the involvement of agrarian practices to confront the critical economic condition after the conflict, offering a range of symbolic and pragmatic architectural interventions in a Cooperative and Coffee Processing Plant.