Hybrid profiles for knowledge workers - flexible workplace and time

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Background and aim - As a result of Covid-19 pandemic many organizations have adopted more flexible and mobile working arrangements. Knowledge workers have been able to choose significantly more freely than before when and where they work, hybrid work has generalized. As organizations move into the post-pandemic period, they will re-evaluate what workplace solution serves their needs in the future. This paper aims to construct a framework for hybrid knowledge worker profiles. Methods / Methodology - The exploratory research process was conducted in two steps. Step one was a framework proposition about hybrid work profiles based on literature and step two included framework testing in eight workshops for 185 persons. Results - The identified eight hybrid work profiles are based on space and time used in fixed or flexible manner. The context of space and time varies from home-based to office-based network of places. The descriptive framework provides insights to the new user needs of hybrid work. Originality - The proposed framework builds on previous workplace user profiles related research and practice. It complements previous knowledge, particularly by focusing on understanding the different hybrid workplace user preferences. Practical or social implications -Hybrid knowledge work profile -classification can be used to identify the types and quantities of hybrid workers’ organizations must support the design and updating of the workplaces. Type of paper - Research paper (full).