Creating adaptive master Applied Mathematics graduates

Closing the gap between programme and professional career

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We live in a fast-changing world, where higher engineering education focusses on creating engineers that will deal with upcoming technological innovations. It is important to think ahead and educate engineers that could work on these problems and develop technological solutions for them, and are adaptable to deal with the changes in the world. This thesis focusses on how the master programme Applied Mathematics at the TU Delft could prepare their graduates for their professional career, by including adaptability in the curriculum. Adaptability is the ability to settle more easily in a new and unfamiliar environment, and to withstand changes in a changed environment or a new environment. Starting a new job after graduation is new, unfamiliar and unpredictable, so being adaptable could smoothen the transition from programme to labour market. The results of this thesis showed that two adaptive competencies, Dealing with Uncertain and Unpredictable Work situations, and Demonstrating Interpersonal Adaptability, were found to be most interested and relevant to include in the master programme. A tool was developed for the internship to make students more aware about these competencies, make them practice these competencies at their internship by developing personal learning goals and have them reflect on their experiences at the end. This tool could make the AM students more adaptive, what might prepare them for their professional career.