Synthesis of a Force Generator using Two-Fold Tape Loops

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Normal linear springs have spring characteristics that are often too simplistic for complex applications. For instance in balancing applications, constant force or negative stiffness mechanisms are required. A tape loop, which consists of a two-fold tape spring, is a compliant shell mechanism which can act as a force generator with theoretically any force-displacement behavior by adjusting the tape spring’s cross-section.

In this thesis, a synthesis method is developed to determine the required tape spring geometry for obtaining the desired force-displacement behavior. Fifteen force-displacement curves are defined which all describe a unique characteristic behavior. These fifteen force-displacement curves are used as input to synthesize fifteen tape spring geometries. The resulting geometries are simulated in a finite element model to validate the synthesis method. The geometry with a non-zero constant force characteristic, is optimized, produced and tested in an experiment.

It is shown that a tape loop can generate all fifteen force-displacement curves by varying its cross-section and thereby can act as an all-purpose force generator. The production of tape loops however is challenging.