The Body Shop

Developing a new brand identity

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In 1976, when The Body Shop was founded, the brand was a pioneer in developing natural cosmetics with strong ethical values. The result of their actions was even a ban on cosmetic brands that were testing on animals in the 1990’s. These strong values and ethical movements were the key feature of the brand, making them stand out against the competition. Anno 2015, however, these values and ethical responsibilities are no longer a unique selling point, since customers are expecting brands to be responsible, planet loving and ethical. The Body Shop has thereby lost its unique selling point and personality. Insights from interviews and competitor analysis have shown that The Body Shop used to be seen as a pioneer brand, but has lost its unique soul and spirit over the years. It doesn’t stand out from its competition anymore because of the lack of a clear and unique brand story. The brand is percieved as too colourful, too bold and unclear by its lapsed and potential customers. The stores are too overwhelming because of the large amount of products presented, giving it a cheap feeling and all the different colours making it too bold. The products are loved by the frequent customers because of their properties and benefits, however potential customers don’t try the products because the packaging and stores don’t appeal to them and the brand doesn’t convey a clear and distinct message that convinces the customers to buy at The Body Shop and not at competitors. These competitors all have a more specific and unique brand story and lifestyle to share, making those brand more clear, comprehensible and attractive for the customers. The Body Shop should find its old spirit again and become the pioneer brand it used to be. Focussing on not only saying to be responsible, but actively contribute to a more social and responsible world by really making a difference and stand up for its opinion. This is what used to make The Body Shop different from competition, what all participants value in the brand and what the brand should become again in order for them to find a unique positioning in the current market. The new brand identity will have a core focus on ‘do good’. The ‘do good’ aspect can be divided in two elements: ‘do good to yourself’ and ‘do good to others’. These represent the two elements in the new brand identity, luxury and responsibility. The ‘do good for yourself’ will be translated in the products, and focuses on convincing the customers of the products and their benefits for their skin. Three components support this element: the store, in which it is all about testing of the products; samples, allowing customers to test products at home as well; and the packaging and assortment, that will be clear and comprehensible, with a limited assortment with all core and classical products of The Body Shop. The ‘do good to others’ will be about the foundation of the brand and creating a ‘do good’ community. This aspect will be mainly communicated online by showing projects of The Body Shop through good photography and sharing charity initiatives of customers and employees (members of the community).