A kop-hals-romp Boerderij Transformation Considering Seismic Proof Intervention

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The research paper aims to give proper anti-seismic retrofit advices for the architectural typology of the Kop-hals-romp Boerderij as heritage. For the farmhouse that embedded with heritage value, it’s very important to strengthen the building in a heritage friendly way. The notion of heritage value is thus discussed in the paper as to give a clear transformation requirement for the retrofit. The paper takes a specific farm, Onderdendamsterweg 8, as an example to elaborate the topic. Earthquake damages and their formation mechanism are studied to achieve a solid revising proposal, which contains four parts: reinforcement of single components, reducing deformation constraints at connections, adjusting the system stiffness ratio and optimizing load paths and load distribution. Unlike most of the safety-oriented anti-seismic retrofit methods, a kop- hals-romp boerderij intervention assessing system is established to help clearly response to the heritage and aesthetic value of the original building. Based on the assessing system, further design is carried out on several relevant details. Although the research is carried out mainly focus on the example farmhouse, it’s main purpose is to give a reference for the anti- seismic intervention on the kop-hals-romp boerderij, and the methods in judging the heritage value of the farmhouse and the suitability of the intervention can be applied to other farm as well.


4402200_P5 Presentation.pdf
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4402200_Graduation Plan.pdf
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4402200_P4 Reflection.pdf
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