High-level-of-detail semantic 3D GIS for risk and damage representation of architectural heritage

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The need to share information about architectural heritage effectively after a disaster event, in order to foster its preservation, requires the use of a common language between the involved actors and stakeholders. A database able to connect the architectural heritage representation with the data useful for hazard and risk analysis can thus be a powerful instrument. This paper outlines a methodology to represent 3D models of the architectural heritage, according to some existing standards data models, and relate their geometric features to the damage mechanisms that could occur after an earthquake. Among all the existing standard to represent cartographic, cultural heritage and hazard/risk information, respectively INSPIRE, CityGML, UNESCO, CIDOC-CRM, its extension MONDIS and the Getty Institute vocabularies, compliant to the CIDOC-CRM, have been taken into account. An INSPIRE extension has been proposed for increasing the level of detail (LoD) of the representation and improving the description of heritage buildings, adding some macro-elements and elements “feature types” connected with the damage mechanisms, identified in structural studies. The suggested method allows to archive, in a multi-scale database, 3D information with a very high level of detail about architectural heritage and can help structural engineers and conservator-restorers in preventing further damages through individuating useful targeted actions.