The Architecture of Science Fiction

Ready Player One

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When we design architecture we have to think very realistically because designs have to be implemented in the real world. Designing for science fiction worlds gives the designers more creative freedom. Because there is no limit of the real world we can come up with much crazier ideas than we normally would. This might not be applicable in the real world, but by setting our creative mind free we give ourselves the chance to come up with new and innovative design solutions. When we look at the design process of an architect and a production designer, the two design processes look quite similar. Though, there are some important differences between the two, especially when we look at the first part of the design process. This is because an architect starts with an actual location and actual users
he can refer to, while the production designer starts with a scenario which describes a narrative, characters and a fictive world. So how we can translate these stories into a design, without having any visual reference? The insights gained from this research I want to use in my design project, in which I will be designing a location from the novel ‘Ready player one’. This story is set in the year 2044, in both the real and virtual world.