Digital Nomads: the shared sailing opportunity of 2040

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This report contains a future vision for sailing yachts. It differs from many other visions as technology is not used as the basis for development, but behavioural change. The starting point is chosen as the upcoming Digital Nomad culture: Working from anywhere in the world. The thesis is done in cooperation with Contest Yachts, a sailing yacht builder from the Netherlands.

The analysis is done in two parts, which meet at the conclusion of the chapter. It consists of a brand analysis and a future use study.

Contest as a brand has three important values to cherish in the future to remain true to their current brand identity. These values are safety, quality and comfort and innovation. There is also a foreseen change, to make their current semi-custom approach more manageable in the future.

With the use of the ViP-method, future behaviour is predicted and separated in four different quadrants, each characterised by multiple habits. From these four, one is chosen to design for: The Trusting Tribe. With a strong focus on community and an inherent drive to be in nature, these people are interesting for Contest to build a new model around. The following vision is formulated: “We want people to uninterruptedly explore themselves and the planet through an open and flexible yacht.”

The starting point for the ideation is shared ownership in combination with the tribe analogy. As the model of sharing is getting increased attention in the yachting business, also noticed by Contest. Within this system, it is important that the sailor still has a feeling of responsibility. The result is the Florence CS. She is a combination of a lease service in combination with ownership. The yacht exists of a fully functional interior and two empty private modules with their own heads. The shared space holds a galley, lounge area and workstation.

Future Tribe members can lease a yacht on one of the seven Contest harbours (Seen in step 1.) with friends, family or strangers. The local Contest crew fits the interior and prepares the yacht for departure (step 2). Contest provides a full and careless sailing experience to their future members (step 3). After the trip, the Contest crew removes the interiors and store them in local warehouses (step 4). The ship is checked, serviced and prepared for the next group of nomads to use.

The final proposal disrupts the current yachting market. It introduces a new business model for Contest in the shape of a lease service. Also, it includes shared ownership.

For future developments and innovations, it is up to Contest to make further work of this. Possible next steps are: redoing this project with another graduate student; developing it into a case study and share it with more experts and enthusiasts; organising a creative day for employees and let them share their thoughts and expertise.

As innovation is embedded in Contest, the above-named options should be within reach. Outcomes of these options can help to make Contest future-proof as well as to make the brand the booster the yachting world.