A Multi-Regime Plasma Equilibrium Transport Solver for Predicting Ambipolar Plasma Thruster Behaviour and Performance

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This study addresses the challenge of accurately modeling the multi-regime plasma flow through Ambipolar Plasma Thrusters (APTs), a type of Electric Propulsion (EP) system. Despite their advantages, understanding the behavior of plasma within APTs is complex due to the presence of two different flow regimes: the fluid regime inside the thruster’s source chamber and the kinetic regime inside the thruster’s magnetic nozzle. To enhance the precision of APT modeling, this thesis introduces a novel coupling methodology between fluidic and kinetic solvers, resulting in the MUlti-regime Plasma Equilibrium Transport Solver (MUPETS). MUPETS employs two models, the continuum OpenFOAM code for the fluidic regime and the Particlein- Cell (PIC) Starfish code for the kinetic regime, coupled through a closed-loop iterative coupling scheme. This approach allows for a self-consistent prediction of plasma transport within the entire thruster domain, including the interface between the numerical domains of each model. At this interface, which often coincides with the thruster outlet, the model’s iterative loop self-corrects the interfacing boundary conditions of each numerical domain, removing imposed boundary conditions such as assumed velocities. This has reduced plasma species discontinuities across the models’ interface to less than 4% for electrons and less than 1% for ions. The performance of MUPETS was validated against experimental measures from a laboratory thruster at the University of Padova, showing less than a 19% difference in predicted propulsive performance. The MUPETS code requires minimal alteration of the separate solvers, allowing for the fluid or kinetic solvers to be swapped out with higher-fidelity models or numerically better performing models as required. This flexibility enables the comparison of previously developed and validated models from literature to investigate their suitability for describing the plasma flow across the regime change. The study concludes that the developed coupling method presents an improvement to the state of multiregime plasma flow modeling while providing similar accuracy when used for predicting the propulsive performance of APTs.