Resolvent Estimates in (weighted) Lp spaces for the Stokes Operator in Lipschitz Domains

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Recently, by Z. Shen, resolvent estimates for the Stokes operator were established in Lp(Ω) when Ω is a Lipschitz domain in Rd, with d≥3 and |1/p-1/2|<1/(2d)+ε. This result implies that the Stokes operator generates a bounded analytic semigroup in Lp(Ω) in the case that Ω is a three-dimensional Lipschitz domain and 3/2-ε<p<3+ε. To fully understand the work of Z. Shen, a lot of background information is needed. In this thesis the resolvent estimates are studied in detail in the case d=3. In the end the results of Shen are extended to resolvent estimates in Lp(w,Ω), where Ω is a three-dimensional Lipschitz domain, |1/p-1/2|<1/6, and w∈A2p/3∩RH3/(3-p) is a weight function that belongs to an intersection of a Muckenhoupt weight class and satisfies a reverse Hölder inequality.