A multifunctional answer to multiple questions


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When the
MFFD program took off in 2012, its general goal was to gain a deeper
understanding of multifunctional flood defenses, in order to provide a solid
foundation for their design, assessment and management. As a point of
departure, it assumed that a new generation of explicitly multifunctional flood
defenses was the product of a need to accommodate competing spatial claims,
and, perhaps, contribute financial savings by combining functions. Flagship
projects like the Scheveningen Boulevard and Katwijk’s ‘hybrid’ parking garage complement
an older generation of multifunctional flood defenses, the traditional example
being dikes with sheep grazing or a road on top. The contemporary
multifunctional flood defense was viewed as a complex but desirable phenomenon:
the answer to multiple needs, and therefore best studied from a
multidisciplinary perspective.