Electrodynamic Tethers For Deep Space Missions

A Feasibility Study

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With current technology, it has been found that the feasibility of long-term adaptable exploration missions at the far reaches of the Solar System and beyond is limited, due to shortcomings in conventional propulsion systems. Electrodynamic tether (EDT) propulsion methods may provide a viable alternative, utilising either the interplanetary magnetic field generated by the Sun, or even the interstellar magnetic field, to provide propellantless yet continuous thrust. The objective of this research is to assess the feasibility of an EDT propulsion system, applied to such deep space missions; this was done by creating a simulation environment using the Tudat toolbox, testing various EDT configurations and mission profiles, over a series of decades-long simulation periods. The results of this analysis found the EDT performance to be limited, providing spacecraft accelerations in the 1 nm/s2 range at 1 AU with recommendations made on alternative applications and analyses to be done.