A Replication Package for PyCG

Practical Call Graph Generation in Python

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The ICSE 2021 paper titled 'PyCG: Practical Call Graph Generation in Python' comes with a replication package with the purpose of providing open access to (1) our prototype call graph generator, namely PyCG, and (2) the data and scripts that replicate the results of the paper. The Artifact Evaluation Committee found that this package leads to the reproduction of the results outlined in the paper and is openly available1. The replication package contains the following: 1) A Docker image which can be either built manually or downloaded from DockerHub. It contains the source code and installation of PyCG, as well as the installations of two other call graph generators (i.e., Pyan and Depends), which we compare PyCG with. 2) A micro-benchmark suite of 112 Python modules (Section I-A). 3) A macro-benchmark suite of 5 popular Python packages (Section I-B). 4) Python and Bash scripts used to execute PyCG, Pyan and Depends against the micro- and macro-benchmarks and compare the corresponding results.