Mission Model Canvas

A Conceptual Framework for Understanding and Discussing Public Business Models

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Under NPG, public managers have been commissioned to seek out new imaginative ways of creating public value. One such new perspective is the business model concept, which has become a useful stepping stone towards building new strategic tools for public entrepreneurship. The problem is that the business model concept needs to be adapted to remain useful in the public sector. This research synthesises insights from business modelling, public entrepreneurship and public value literature into a set of theoretical constructs that lay out a framework for understanding and discussing public business models, which I propose to be reformulated as mission models. The major contribution of this paper is the mission model canvas, which is a visualisation tool for public managers to find better ways of achieving their organisational missions. The value of this conceptual framework originates from making public value and policy-making more tangible using the business model concept. Future research would include further validation and testing of the framework within suitable public contexts.