GPU-Accelerated GOMEA

Solving the max-cut problem by large-scale parallelisation of GOMEA using GPGPU

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With the advances in General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU), it is worthwhile to explore whether other areas in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can reap the benefits. One such area is Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), which—among other processes—involves the repetitive exchange of genes among individuals. This repetitive nature aligns with our intuition for parallel optimisation, precisely what GPGPU is designed for. Currently, the state-of-the-art approach in EA is known as Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm (GOMEA), which capitalises on the information embedded within the population by computing the linkage between genes across the entire population. However, when it comes to parallelising the exchange of complete linkage sets, particularly in the context of our specific problem of interest, the challenge becomes more intricate.

In the case of our problem, known as Max-cut, there are dependencies between genes that must be considered when constructing parallel sets of linkage sets, referred to as packages. We propose three solutions: contamination, revision, and association. Contamination fully utilises parallel capabilities but deviates from the concept of linkage sets. Revision constructs the linkage sets as described by GOMEA, but keeps the dependencies between linkage sets within a package untouched. Association on the other hand attempts to resolve the dependencies by generating a dependency graph to create the set of packages.

From our experiments, we can conclude that parallel acceleration using GPGPU is roughly on par with—and sometimes even outperforms—its non-parallelised counterpart. Out of the three solutions, it is evident that association demonstrates the most promising performance profile in terms of approaching the optimal solution. However, the performance falls significantly short of matching the capabilities exhibited by GOMEA. Furthermore, all of the solutions face a significant burden when evaluating the fitness for each exchanged linkage set. An option to consider as an extension to the current setup is known as partial evaluation, although the performance exhibited by contamination implies that simplicity could be the key to success. Further exploration of the acceleration process using widely employed parallel operators—such as those found in linear algebra—has the potential to yield valuable insights for enhancing performance.