Preparation and start of irradiation of thorium-bearing molten fluoride salt in graphite crucibles

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NRG together with JRC Karlsruhe has set out to perform a series of molten fuel salt irradiations in the High Flux Reactor (HFR) Petten, to build up irradiation experience with molten salt samples, the handling of irradiated salt and the treatment of salt waste produced by these irradiations. As a first step, an irradiation of small 78LiF-22ThF4 fuel samples in graphite crucibles is being conducted under the name SALIENT-01 (SALt Irradiation ExperimeNT). The specific goals for SALIENT-01 are (i) to confirm claims of good fission product retention in the salt by post-irradiation Knudsen-cell effusion by fission product release measurements, in particular with respect to Cs and I which dominate the radioactive release during thermal transient and fuel failure in conventional reactor fuel, as for example occurred in the Fukushima accident, (ii) to obtain size distributions for noble metal particles using Transmission Electron Microscopy and (iii) to assess possible interactions between fuel salt and fine-grained nuclear graphite, as well as possible uptake of fission products by the graphite. The SALIENT-01 irradiation has started in August 2017 and is projected to finish in August 2019. In this contribution the design, irradiation history and status of the experiment are treated, as well as plans for post-irradiation examinations. The limitations of the experiment will also be discussed, as well as the follow-up actions taken to assess its representativeness and to improve the quality of future molten salt irradiations.