Reliability based adaptation of port infrastructure against climate change

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Seaports across the globe form a critical lifeline for 90% of the international trade of goods. To ensure the safe and efficient handling of these goods and protect the hinterland from floods, seaports often construct and maintain a large array of hydraulic structures. Revetments and quay walls are a critical part of this infrastructure. Unfortunately, climate change poses a threat to their structural reliability as extreme sea conditions are expected to become more severe and frequent in the near future. Phenomena such as sea level rise, rising storm surges and wave heights can each result in a decreasing structural reliability for revetments and quay walls along seaports. This thesis describes how a reliability based analysis has been developed to adapt port infrastructure against the impact of climate change in an effective manner. With the creation of computational reliability models, reliability assessments of embankments and quay walls along the Port of Merak and Port of Houston have been performed. Based on findings from these reliability assessments, structural adaptations have been conceptualized and a method has been developed to trial them on cost and efficacy. Next, as to enable the evaluation of structural adaptation on various criteria such as cost – efficacy – and value, adaptation pathway maps and scorecards have been developed. These are consecutively used to set up investment guidelines aimed at providing guidance on which adaptation pathway is advised.