Assessment of loading rate effects on elastic-plastic shell buckling capacity of monopiles subjected to bending moments

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It is becoming increasingly clear that the effects of climate change should be decreased or even mitigated. Green alternative sources of energy are being explored, and wind energy emerges as an important option that can be exploited on a large scale. Wind turbines are placed more and more often offshore due to larger and more stable wind resources. The most common foundations for these turbines are monopiles. The future outlook for these turbines and their foundations is that they will become bigger. An important design characteristic of monopiles is the natural frequency of the pile. In order to keep dynamic effects to a minimum, excitation frequencies should not coincide with the natural frequency. The primary source of excitation of monopiles are bending moments. Therefore, this thesis will take a closer look at the dynamic bending capability of monopiles.

There is a lack of knowledge on dynamic effects of bending moments on steel cylindrical shells (monopiles). While the dynamic axial buckling capacity of cylindrical shells has been researched extensively, there is little known on the dynamic bending buckling capacity of such shells. This thesis investigates the influence of loading rate on the dynamic buckling capacity of monopiles subjected to bending moments. For this, a finite element model is constructed which is validated by analytical models. Later on, the finite element model is used to conduct a parametric study to investigate the effect of loading rate on buckling capacity.

The scope of this study excludes factors such as soil dynamics, fluid structure interactions, residual stresses, and lateral forces. The focus is solely on the cylindrical shell of monopiles, excluding secondary steel from consideration. Initial geometric imperfections are considered as local perturbations necessary to initiate buckling, while other factors that may affect lateral forces or overall structural capacity are excluded.

This study will show that different parameters play part in the dynamic bending buckling behavior of cylindrical shells. The natural frequency of the cylinder, as well as the non-dimensional length together with the yield stress of the material play an important role in the dynamic buckling capacity. This research concludes that cylindrical shells with higher natural periods are more influenced by dynamic bending moments than cylinders with shorter periods. Next, shorter, stocky cylinders exhibit higher dynamic buckling capacities than slender cylinders. Also, imperfections are found to decrease the buckling capacity of cylindrical shells, but this effect diminishes for increasing loading rates.

Keywords: Offshore wind energy; Cylindrical shells; Dynamic buckling; Loading rate; Imperfections; FEM;