Real-Time Stereo with Dense Output by a SIMD-Computed Dynamic Programming Algorithm

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We present a modified stereo algorithm based on dynamic programming techniques, which outputs a dense disparity map, and its actual implementation on a linear SIMD image processing device with 256 PE, the IMAP-VISION. Our results show the high suit-ability of this algorithm and the parallel hardware for real-time 3D-vision based robot control. Running on the SIMD device, the algorithm guarantees a processing time of less than 100 ms hard for a Region Of Interest of 128 by 128 pixel and a respectively large depth range of 64 disparity levels. The algorithm can be adjusted with ease and fast at the update rate of the input for even higher output rates, when considering lower depth resolution or less ROI width.
Keywords: Real-Time Imaging, Stereo Vision, SIMD, Dynamic Programming (DP)